Commission Setup
Updated over a week ago

In Hero you can set commission rates per product that will be visible to all agents on Hero.
Follow the steps below to set up the commission percentages for your products.

1.) Navigate to your branch level by clicking on the dropdown menu at the right top hand side of your screen.

2.) In the left side bar, click on Pricing - Edit.

3.) Select a season and a product from the dropdown lists.

4.) In the Std. Agent Comm (%) box, add the commission you are wishing to offer agents. Note, that Hero's fee will automatically be added to this.

5.) Hit Save Pricing at the bottom of your page.

6.) Check the Pricing Summary to see the total commission including the Hero fee.

Note: Do you want to set up a commission for a specific agency or group of agents? Navigate to the help article by clicking the button below.

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