Hero Widget: DNS Setup
Updated over a week ago

This guides accompanies your understanding of the features of the Hero Widget and fees and terms as agreed within your Hero Agency Agreement.

Create your Sub Domain

Within your website’s domain control panel (Cloudflare / Instra / GoDaddy etc) create a CNAME DNS record with:

  1. Hostname: hero

  2. Pointing to: b2b2c.trafficmanager.net

    The result should be a subdomain of https://hero.example.com
    (with your domain instead of example)

Add a Text Record

Within your website’s domain control panel (Cloudflare / Instra / GoDaddy etc) create a text record of:

  1. Type: TXT

  2. Name: asuid.hero

  3. Value: F610F5FCAAA493D2E26357DEBEE8841CFCCCC887FB019004DB06EDFEFFE2E6EF

Test it

Test your subdomain by clicking the subdomain URL

  1. If it displays an Azure 404 page or widget settings page, it's set correctly

  2. If it displays 'This site cannot be reached', it's not set correctly

Send us a screenshot

Once tested correctly, please your Hero accountr manager a screenshot of the subdomain settings.

Hold tight...

Our Teach Team will complete the next stages of setup and advise you when you can begin adding widgets to your site.

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