Hero's eQuote features allows you to share quotes with your customers via a unique web link, enabling them to view their itinerary and pay online.
From your Quote Summary screen, click the 'View eQuote' button
The eQuote URL link will be shown, which you can copy and send to your PAX by email / Facebook / txt etc.
To instantly email the eQuote link, click on the Email eQuote button
To view the eQuote, click the link to 'Click here to go there'ย
Your eQuote has two sections, 'Itinerary' and 'Payment'
From the payments section, your customers can choose to pay the Full Outstanding Amount, a Custom Amount or the amount owing for any PAX. Note that credit card booking fees will be shown & applied to the total amount payable, if set within your Company Setup.
Once a payment is made, you will be notified within Hero.
Once the quote is paid in full, you can Finalise!
Important Notes:
There is a feature available that allows your quote to be finalised automatically once a payment is applied. Find more info here.
In the event that a quote cannot finalize due to insufficient availability, select an alternative day / time. Alternatively, the payment can be refunded.