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Booking Origins
Updated over a year ago

What are booking origins?

The booking origins feature lets you mark bookings based on their origin. You might setup 'Facebook' or 'Word of mouth' to track how many bookings / customers have been attracted from those specific channels. Hero's reporting will then let you see at a glance where your bookings are coming from.

Navigate to your company Admin, and click on Booking Origins.

If you want to zoom in on this image, please right click it and open image in a new tab.

How do I apply a booking origin to a quote/booking?

In the quote/booking click on 'unknown' next to @Origin. Select the correct origin from the list.

Where can I find a report on Origins?

Go to Reports and select Booking Origins. The pie chart shows the different origins in percantages.

If you want to see more details on the the bookings with certain origins, click in the pie and select View Underlying Data. This will then open a report with more detailed information on the bookings.

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